‘How Do You Feel Today?’ Visual Board

Children with autism often have difficulty in understanding feelings and facial expressions. The ‘How Are You Feeling Today?’ visual is a great way for kids to learn and identify emotions. This document is most successful when it is used as part of your daily routine.

This is a printable. It is recommended that it is printed and then laminated for durable and long lasting use.


Children with autism often have difficulty in understanding feelings and facial expressions. The ‘How Are You
Feeling Today?’ visual is a great way for kids to learn and identify emotions. This document is most successful when
it is used as part of your daily routine.

This pack includes:
– How Do You Feel Today visual (6 symbol visual in 3 different colours)
– How Do You Feel Today visual (9 symbol visual in 3 different colours)
– How Do You Feel Today visual (blank visual)
– 15 emotion symbols

*It is recommended that the visuals are cut out and laminated for durable and long lasting use.


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