
Movement Therapy, Waking Up The Brain & Job Skills with Joanne Lara

Music and movement combined has the power to re-map the brain! Autism Movement Therapy® is a program based on interhemispheric sensory integration to help children reach their potential. Music and movement can literally rewire the brain to benefit a child’s communication, cognitive function, behaviour and motor skills.

Visual Supports For Children With Autism

Impaired communication is a core challenge for children with autism. Many kids on the spectrum learn effectively through the use of visual supports. Visuals can increase predictability, reduce anxiety, improve listening and independence and empower children to effectively communicate their message.

Autism And The Stress Effect with Dr Terry Hamlin

Children with autism often experience very high stress levels which can lead to problem behaviours and a decline in their physical and emotional health. Dr Terry Hamlin discusses a revolutionary empowering approach which can be used on the most complex cases of autism, yet the approach itself is quite simple in nature. It focuses on a lifestyle approach.

Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism

Holly Bridges, author of ‘Reframe Your Thinking Around Autism’ and founder of Autism Reframe Technique (A.R.T), shares her new and optimistic approach to working with children on the spectrum. Her method is founded on the advances in neuroscience and our understanding of mind-body connections. A.R.T seeks to change the narrative: from one of ‘what’s wrong’ to ‘how to grow and thrive’. Rather than working from a ‘brain deficit’ model of autism Holly starts from the premise that every student can upgrade their mind/body connection, if they are given the right tools and are treated respectfully, positively, and creatively.

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