Working For Visual Schedule

A ‘working for’ visual is a visual which motivates your child to complete less preferred activities by ‘working for’ a chosen reinforcer. This visual can also help keep your child focused and on task.

This is a printable. It is recommended that it is printed and then laminated for durable and long lasting use.


A ‘working for’ visual is a visual which motivates your child to complete less preferred activities by ‘working for’ a chosen reinforcer. This visual can also help keep your child focused and on task.

– improve attention to task
– improve task completion
– encourage perseverance and ‘trying my best’

This pack includes:
– Working For visuals (choice of 3, 4 or 8)
– 20 reinforcer symbols
– 20 tick symbols

The visuals come in a choice of 3 colours – green, blue and pink.


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